Wet horse/dog is something to be smelled for sure!!!
Bought a new blanket for next year at the tack swap last weekend, started yoga for the month and signed up for the Rother clinic in May. Thinking about doing the Larry Sanchez clinic in June at the Quarter Horse show. I'm the manager!! Woo Hoo!!!
Going to move Pita into town end of April and hopefully start a summer of more riding and time with my horse!!! Less driving for sure!
Working on a book about the Carroll/Caton sisters in America in the 1800s. The author does a good job of bringing these amazing women to life and even tying in the other things that are going along in Europe: for example, Napolean and Romantisim, Wellington and bankruptcy.
Had an AHA! moment during the book discussing bankrupty and American thought in the begining of our country. It was a social disaster to be bankrupt in America, where in Europe it was an accepted thing. American's lost social standing and became scorned if you went bankrupt. What our founding fathers would think of us now!
Trying to lose weight, start plants, keep the house clean, dogs walked and my sanity.
So far.... so good. It's breakup. The snow is disappearing....