Wednesday, December 21, 2011

D.O.G.'s first blind!

I have a retreiver in the making!  Last night after I got home, D.O.G. was giving me fits and wanted to go outside.  So I grabbed his outside bumper and threw it across the street.  Over the fence to Lake Hood.  When he hit the fence and saw that he couldn't get the bumper he gave a wine.  Soo...

I treked, no coat or cleats, around the corner (off lead of course) with him to retrieve the bumper.  I told him to go find his toy and walked along the street.  He swept the area and came back to me.  We moved farther down the street and I told him again to go find his toy.  Off he went and lo and behold!  He found the bumper!!! 

He came running back to me with it and we turned around to walk home, bumper proudly in his mouth at the heel position.

Last winter we went and did a little bit of retrieving work and last night really got me thinking about doing some more.  Just for fun of course...  But wouldn't be cool to have a Mutt with a Jr Hunt Test Title!!!

My sewing machine and I are argueing on tension and bobbins.  I guess I don't sew enough to fix it.  Hopefully Reihl Sew and Vac can fix it!  I've got stuff to make for Christmas! 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Winter Resolutions!

I decided to create some winter resolutions.  I think if I post them and try to stick with them I will hopfully have a good winter and get some things accomplished.

This is what I have come up with so far...

1.  Walk the dogs more, morning and night!
2. Read Anna Karenina by Tolstoy.  So far I am up to page 20...
3. Finish my quilt
4.  Spend some time with Charlie out of the house!

So far two morning walks this week!  :-)